Rules of Math Dice
Math Dice is a fun and engaging game for players ages 8 and up, where the objective is to reach 100 total points to win a round and winning 3 rounds secures victory in the game. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to play:
Setup: Determine the starting player by having each player roll one die with numbers 1 to 6. The player with the highest roll goes first, and play proceeds clockwise. You can adjust the number of rounds and total points required to win a round based on house rules.
Turn Sequence:

Determination Die:
The determination die may yield -1, -5, -10, -15, +5, or 😊.
If the result is -1, -5, -10, -15, or +5, the player adjusts their total score accordingly, either subtracting or adding the indicated value.
If the result is 😊, the player proceeds to roll the grand die.

The starting player rolls 4 number dice and 1 math die.
The math die determines the mathematical operation to be performed (+, -, /, or ×).
The player forms two sets of numbers from the rolled dice according to the operation indicated on the math die and calculates the results.
For example, if the math die shows "×" and the player rolls 6, 4, 3, 2, they would calculate (6 × 4) and (3 × 2), then add the results together.
If the player rolls a 😊 on the math die, they roll the determination die.

Grand Die:
The determination die may yield -1, -5, -10, -15, +5, or 😊.
If the result is -1, -5, -10, -15, or +5, the player adjusts their total score accordingly, either subtracting or adding the indicated value.
If the result is 😊, the player proceeds to roll the grand die.
After completing their turn, the player writes down their score for the round.
The first player to reach 100 points wins the round or secures a 🏆, depending on house rules.
Win 3 rounds to win the game.
Game Progression:
Play continues clockwise with each player taking turns rolling the dice and following the same steps until a player wins the required number of rounds.

Remember to keep track of scores on a piece of paper or a scorecard as the game progresses. These rules provide a basic framework for playing Math Dice. You can adjust or modify certain rules based on your preferences or create house rules to add more variety or complexity to the game. Enjoy playing Math Dice with your friends and family!